Find out about the local attractions that you want to see, the language spoken, customs, dress and areas to avoid. Seek information from people who may have traveled there before. I often use Instagram and a mix of online based and hard copy travel guides to find out more about what attractions are in the area. Read every single review of the place you are planning to stay. the time you are sleeping is when you are most vulnerable, so the extra time invested, will pay off to stay safe and have an uneventful trip. If you are staying in an Air Bnb, do not stay anywhere where there are no reviews yet. It’s not worth the risk.
As you plan what to pack on your trip, it’s helpful to consider the local dress. While sneakers, shorts and T-shirts in hot weather is fine in the US. it may be a bit out of place in the center of Paris, or in Fes, Morocco. While it is important to dress comfortably, it is helpful to try and blend in with the locals, to ensure you are not marked out as a tourist and a potential target.
Make Copies of Important Documents
Make a copy of your passport, and other important travel documents and upload them to the cloud and maybe share them with a trusted family member or friend (i.e. your safety “Network”). This way, if your passport or other important documents go missing, you have a copy.
Make a copy of of your credit card and put it in the cloud (and encrypt/password protect it so the information doesn’t get stolen from the cloud!), or copy the number of the credit card company into you phone’s contacts, so if it gets lost, you are able to contact the company to notify them as soon as possible.
Make Hard Copies
Have a hard copy of your Network’s telephone numbers in your luggage and wallet, that way, if your phone goes missing, you can at least still call for assistance.
Leverage Technology
Don’t wait until you are out there, tell your Network your itinerary and use the “find my friends” app on the iPhone to share your location. Learn how to use google maps to drop pins and make sure you know how to do it and your network know how to access the information on your whereabouts before you go!
Download an offline map of the place(s) that you are going (google maps allows you to do this), for the moments that you have spotty or no reception. If you have the time, it can be helpful to mark on the map the main points of interest, so that you have a good idea of where everything is in proximity to each other.
Get an external phone charger! We rely on our phones so much, running out of battery means you may not be able to navigate or call for help if needed.